Comer Academy, focus on the people training

Source: Comer Industries Magazine

Quality training Comer Academy, the in-house training and management school, develops skills and experience of the company staff.

In an ever more competitive global scenario, creativity, participation and passion are fundamental elements for supporting company growth. In three years the activities organized by the school have involved all of the personnel: 122 courses held in 2011 for a total of around 12,500 education hours offered (+20% compared to 2008). 

In-house lessons, targeted courses and training programs in the production sites: thanks to Comer Academy support the company is committed not only to providing technical and regulatory knowledge , but also to developing leadership qualities and to fostering team spirit, promoting the construction of a strong and shared organizational identity. 

Comer Academy and CPS: the importance of involvement 

Comer Academy is playing an important role in implementing cultural change tied to the values of flexibility, speed and focus on the customer. 

The extension of the Comer Production System (CPS), an integrated manufacturing process model aimed at achieving excellence, has been sustained by the real involvement of people and by the targeted project of the training school. 

In 2011 introduction courses to the CPS, to Kaizen and problem-solving programs were organized for production staff, with the goal of promoting the continuous improvement principles and methodologies. 

These included TWI (Training Within Industry), a program based on the learning-by-doing approach for the effective training of new workers. This method enables the rapid transfer of skills and of best practices on the job. The CPS training, based on the WCW (World Class Manufacturing) guidelines, is aimed at developing skills for increasing the efficiency of company processes. 

The People Development course, which initially involved assembly-line operators in the Gearboxes Operating Unit of Reggiolo, has the objective of developing a managerial approach through programs aimed at improving technical and managerial skills.

Tags: Comer
