Leadership & Team Coaching
Ensuring delivery of change and performance
Truly exceptional leaders are hard to find. Most organizations have to work hard to recruit and develop the talent that will ensure the ongoing success of their business. Major research studies have shown that over 70% of major change projects fail and, in most instances, this is because of a failure in leadership.
Our consultants provide challenge and support to help leaders deliver their future organization. We ensure coordinated engagement and communication across the business and embed a vital business performance culture.
Ingersol Engineers uses a simple and pragmatic approach to producing value adding leadership. Ingersol Engineers helps to shape the change agenda and execute at pace. We explore four value adding propositions to ensure that leaders contribute positively to change and transformation and that ‘leadership waste’ is eliminated:
- Focus - Creating and sharing the vision.
- Structure - The approach required to deliver the vision and business objectives.
- Discipline - Setting standards and consistently managing progression.
- Ownership - Ensuring valuable employee engagement by devolving responsibility, authority and accountability.
Ingersol Engineers' leadership specialists add real value by working closely with client leadership teams and individuals. Our consultants are leadership subject matter experts with experience of senior roles.
Relatively few organizations have yet grasped the full potential of team coaching. Teams rather than individuals are responsible for the delivery of most organizational goals. High-quality team coaching can have a striking and immediate impact on organizational performance. In our experience, organizations who take the development of their teams seriously, deliver a greater level of sustained performance.
Team coaching is a powerful development intervention that brings individuals together to develop their own skills. The teams learn how to become more effective, efficient and focused in reaching agreed performance objectives. This delivers huge gains and business benefits.
Team coaching focuses on:
- Developing a core purpose for the team
- Agreeing ways of working to raise performance to a higher level
- Team disciplines and standards of behaviours
- Agreeing shared accountability
Ingersol Engineers' team coaches are subject matter experts in this field having led many team development assignments in complex and challenging organizations in many sectors. They work closely with client leaders to target the interventions to the right teams ensuring benefits are tangible and measurable.